Items manufactured by us, such as chain link fabric, barbed wire & concertina barbed wire. Items fabricated by us, such as fence posts, gates and barriers. Items procured from reputed suppliers, such as pipes for fence posts, fittings and accessories, barbed tape, etc.
See All ProductsGulf Fence Factory (GFF) is established in Hamaria Free Zone UAE. It has parent company in Saudi Arabia and is specialized in the field of complete security chain link fencing systems since 27 years.
Gulf Fence Factory (GFF) has a industry standard It has surving since around two decades.
Gulf Fence Factory (GFF) has a industry standard It has surving since around two decades.
Gulf Fence Factory (GFF) has a industry standard It has surving since around two decades.
Gulf Fence Factory (GFF) has a industry standard It has surving since around two decades.